I have taken some time to get refocused. I went and saw Weezer with my girl last week in San Francisco. We stayed at the Top of Nob Hill and saw the show At The Masonic Temple. I highly recommend going to a show there. You can stay at a hotel less than two blocks away and still be near all the action. If you can't bring a girl and get some trim there, you are pretty much the biggest douche ever. The area is pure culture on the top of the hill in San Fran. Just getting to sleep in till 10am was the highlight of the trip. I am usually up at 5am or 6am and the only people up at that time are fat or anorexic chicks going to the gym, construction workers, and people that need to make some money. All three are survivors trying to gain a little ground in this Fucking Rat Race!

It was just fun not to be sitting in a desk or listening to a co-worker talk about what a failure they are. I mean we all enjoy watching our competition take a nose dive , but getting away for the day made my whole shitty month go away. Again I am glad I quit my old job. That place was turning me into a self-defeating creepazoid. Until next time .
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