Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Stay Cool

Tis the season where life seems to catch up with you. It's the time of the year when money seems short, everybody wants a Christmas present, and the goals for next year seem pretty unattainable. On top of that I still got this broken leg from my freak rugby accident on October 1st. Usually January is my worst month of the year but the last three have been pretty fucked up so I can't see what curve ball the first month of the year can throw? But I better not jinx myself .
I am looking forward to building a successful business with my homeboy and mentor J-Mo. We work really well with one another and what I lack in sales I make up for in operations. What he lacks in operations he makes up for as an amazing salesperson. We sell loans and 2012 is going to be the revival of our business. So watch out world!
On a side note I want to thank my girl for taking care of me for all this time while I recover from this jacked up leg . She has been the best. I am super annoying and she still makes me two eggs, toast and fruit every morning before she gets ready for work. I can't imagine being in her position . If i wasn't so god damn cute she probably would have left me by now .
So I am looking forward to the New Year. Especially walking again, making some paper, working on my sobriety, and conquering the world with my chick 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Oak Park. The Land of Dreams

I am serious and sincere when I say that. Oak Park is literally the land of dreams. Now whether those dreams came true or are in the midst of coming true is up to the beholder. As I as look at 9th ave, which happens to be the street I call home I can tell you about most of my neighbors. The first ones on the block run a successful landscaping business and play a lot of baseball on the weekends . They are a nice Latino family. My next door neighbors to my right are a young couple whom are both in school. She is trying to become a medical assistant and he is finishing his AA degree. The neighbors to my left are a married couple. She is a professional piano player and he is a some kind of computer engineer. I don't know what he does actually but he is nerdy enough to put it all on some sort of computer engineering . The girl plays piano all day , everyday. I think she is playing different songs everyday but my girl insists that she is playing the same songs. She's pretty good. Further down the block we have a Muslim family that are always very polite and seem quite active in their community. Over the last year we have had an investor by the name of Sultan buy about three of four houses on the block and fix them up. He really cleaned them up and found some nice renters to live in them.

People are living their own lives in my neighborhood. Sure we have crackheads, homeless people, and others just keeping it above the poverty line . But we also have culture, hard work and people who are still living their dreams. When I was younger I used to think Oak Park was a black neighborhood. Now I know Oak Park is a part of Sacramento history that will never go away now matter how many times they try and rezone it . It is filled with all types of people. Good people trying to make it in this ever changing world .

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

To One Day Walk Again

It's been tough. Not being able to walk. I mean we have all had bouts of a sprained ankle or a twisted knee and had to stay off of it for a few days. But it is tough to imagine having to be immobile for an extended period of time. That's me. I haven't walked in over a month and a half and I won't be able to walk for at least another  7 to 8 weeks . This broken leg is the worse. It's like having a permanent sign over my head that reads "Ask Me What Happened?" I am determined to be a functioning part of society again soon but I can only do so much.
It's depressing to think about . Living in a world where seeing steps make my palms sweaty and the thought of rain or ice bring on thoughts of immediate defeat. All I want to do is run up a flight of stairs or jump over the smallest of obstacles . But I am stuck holding these pair of crutches and forced to move at others pace. I go to my second doctors appointment tomorrow in hopes of good news. Maybe I am healing faster than usual or maybe I can start physical therapy sooner rather than later?
The best part about breaking my leg is everyday has been an improvement. I mean I literally wake up in a better mood every morning. My leg feels better and my relationship with life is improving daily. I am so thankful for the woman in my life because without her I would be spending days on the couch moping around . I am even back at work because "the bills" don't care if your leg is broken . Having this broken leg has made me appreciate the power of the human mind and the strength of my loved ones. I know i can be a real pain in the ass but that same drive is what is going to get me moving on both of these legs soon.

The only advice I can offer and I know it always sounds cliche but don't waste the things you have . And if you do waste them they weren't ever meant to be yours in the first place . I could complain all day about this but then I realize I will walk again and that is a lot more than others are working with.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

On the Road to Recovery

Tibial Plateau Fracture
          It has been a little bit since I have been able to write on this blog. I am recovering from a pretty severe broken leg that I got playing in hopefully my very last rugby game.  I am currently staying at my parents house because my residence has a claw bathtub that I can't get into and way too many steps. But hey, I am alive and I will recover from this. Maybe not financially, as I viewed part of my insurance claim, for the first three days it was sixty thousand dollars.  I have never even made sixty thousand in a year except that one time. So the money part of it I can't really even fathom. I stayed in the hospital for a total of 8 days
         The truth is I am getting better every single day. I can now move my leg and do things I thought were impossible 7 days ago. I might not walk in the year 2011 but that doesn't mean I can't embrace this road to recovery. I am so thankful to have my family, my girlfriend, and a great group of friends supporting me through this. It was a very traumatic experience and when I think about the injury I get a little choked up . The though of hearing my leg crack into a bunch of pieces doesn't do a lot for one's self confidence.

        The injury I sustained is called a tibial plateau fracture. Pretty much it means you shattered your leg right below the knee. It is an injury often seen in car vs pedestrian accidents   It has taken two plates and tens screws just to get my leg back to normal. I guess airport security is now going to be an ongoing issue. The folks at Enloe Hospital and UC Davis Hospital treated me great. I can't thank them enough for taking care of this old crabby baby.
Right now I got one leg but soon enough I will have two. So watch out world cause Cam Villa will be back .
After surgery

Monday, September 26, 2011

Tupperware. Here one day and gone the next

It's sad to say but the second I put the Tupperware into the dishwasher their is a 95% chance that I will never ever be able to match the top to the bottom  . It just disappears. I don't know where, I don't know by whom, but it is gone . I used to have quite a collection of Tupperware. Gathered over the years from parties we have thrown  or leftovers delivered from Mom . I thought I had more control over my surrounding but when it comes to the plastice containers I am but a slave . I do not know what the future holds for me and Tupperware but I will keep attempting to hold on to it. My goal is to grow old with the original Tupperware I was raised on but I see that wish fading fast .

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

1st track is in the books

It took me eight years of talking trash and blowing smoke to finally get back into the studio. This last Saturday I finally got to sit down with my producer Pete Cole and record the first track of the new Vitamin P CD . It felt good, it actually felt better than good, it was amazing . It was so much fun to sit down, perfect the song , and watch a true professional bring it all together. I can't thank Pete enough for taking time out of his extremely busy schedule to work with me. It was truly a great experience.

I have kind of gone the opposite direction in this entire recording process. I have played a lot of shows and rapped a bunch of times on stage but I have rarely recorded any of my songs. Looking back on this I wished I would have recorded when I had a great song at hand. But maybe it wasn't the right time for me to record and I can't fret over lost time . I am here now and ready to put these new songs done on "wax" .
The best part of the whole process is that Pete understands that I am going for an old school sound and trying to stay away from all the new stuff out there. I grew up listening to Tribe Called Quest and I want to incorporate that Jazzy sound into my music.
I look forward to the next couple months coming up and I promised myself that good things take time and I am going to embrace the opportunity to work with a great team and learn the process. So look  for me in the next couple months as we get some quality music out to the world. Check out Sanctuary Studio . They have been absolutely amazing in this whole process and I recommend them for all your projects

Friday, August 26, 2011

Back in the Studio

It has been a very long time or pretty much never since I have gotten back to the studio. But I have started to write and get down some songs for the new Vitamin P CD. It has been almost ten years since I have done a recording that I would be proud of handing off to a stranger . Ever since my band mate Christian Bartesch died in a car accident on Jun 14th 2003, Vitamin P went our separate ways, and I haven't had much of a drive to put music down. I will throw a flow down anytime and any place but as far as completing a music project I just wasn't feeling it. I got the vibe again when Ben Hazard came back from NYC but that was short lived because he had other projects going on. And I am sure my own addictions killed that friendship.  I finally had to sack up and attempt this creative process on my own. And that is the new journey.
Pete Cole, Cashel, and Colin Bodine
A young kid by the name of Colin Bodine has provided some drive for me to complete my CD. He is a former rugby player that I used to coach at Rio Americano High School many years ago and now he is a local musician that plays a lot of small gigs around Sacramento. Just watching his energy and free spirit has put a pretty good impression on this old rapper. Helping him get some of his music recorded and seeing him grow has made me realize what it's all about. Another person putting in a lot of time and effort into the project is Peter Cole of Sanctuary Studios. He has been true to his word and provided a lot of insight of the best way to make something I am proud to call my own .
Ultimately it is up to me and I know this now. Talking is only good when you have something to show for it . Otherwise it is just hot air. Look for some tracks in the next couple months and I hope everyone enjoys them .

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I am going to catch a Shark this weekend

The view from the house

        I have a Bachelor Party to attend to this weekend. This is one of the 1st real ones I have ever been on. I have attended a couple but I usually don't end up staying for the whole thing. But this one is for Nate Trivers, my sister's fiance, so I am going all out. We are going to go to Santa Cruz for the weekend and staying in a great beach house that was bought by Lloyd Bridges for his sister. It's called the Sunny Cove Retreat. It looks great and I am excited to be right on the beach. This will be two weekends in a  row that I have been able to stay on the Coast. Last weeks trip was in the 60's , but this one should be a little warmer, hopefully.
        Something I am truly excited for is the chance to go Deep Sea Fishing. I have never been so it could be a puke fest for me but I am excited nonetheless.  I have been talking about it for weeks. I am catching a Great White Shark. Say what you want but when I get that thing on my line I am going for it all. No catch and release here people. When I do land it I will tell my girl to clear a space in our 725 square foot house to mount my monster shark. Hopefully our boat doesn't end up like a scene out of Jaws. Have a good weekend everybody and hopefully I will have some fish stories to tell when I get back.

View from the Front of the House

Monday, August 15, 2011

Road Trip Weekend

         I just got back from a great road trip over the weekend . I travelled north from Sacramento to Humboldt County. My main purpose for the trip was to visit my Dad's family and to hit the horse races. My grandma and grandpa live up there as well as my uncle Chris, his wife Patti, and their two boys Payden and Parker .
         First, the weather was amazing. The highs were in the 60's and it was pretty cloudy except for a little sun on Saturday. I was excited for the cool weather because Sacramento has been in the high 90's for the last couple weeks . So it was time to break out the jeans and sweatshirts. I try to plan a trip to Humboldt County at this time every year because it is during the County Fair and the Horse Races. It has to be the biggest weekend for the county and the people watching is spectacular. I had to roll solo this time because my girl was at my sister's bachelor party .

Ferndale Horse Races

        I left on Friday morning and was excited for the sights. It is great to drive away from the big city into the wild. I usually take I-5 to Woodland , Go Highway 16 West through the Capay Valley, Link up to Highway 20 west around Clear Lake , and get hit 101 North and take that all the way to Eureka . I usually give myself 6 hours but I have made it in as little as 4 and a half hours . My plan was to hang out on Friday with my Grandpa Bob and Grandma Lois, and hit the Horse Races and Fair on Saturday with Uncle Chris and his family.
Joe Villa 1968
        Everything went great and when you're not drinking you have a ton of money for betting and fair food. I thought I had tried everything when it comes to fried foods but the Humboldt Fair had a half pound of fried bacon dipped in a brown sugar and mustard sauce. It was one of the most fantastic foods I have ever had the pleasure of consuming. Hanging with my family in Humboldt is like getting the VIP treatment. They know everyone and we had the hookups to it all .

        The best thing about the trip was I met a lady whom went to school with my Dad and she gave me a picture of my pop's senior high school picture. It brought a lot of old memories back and it made me thankful for the time in my life I got to share with him . So I  thankful to everyone that took care of me this weekend and put out the great hospitality. Until we meet again Humboldt !

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Sade and John Legend next week

           It is almost surreal. Imagine growing up listening to someones music and passion for life for over 20 years and now having the opportunity to see them live. I get to see Sade live in concert next Wednesday at the Power Balance Pavilion or as every single person in Sacramento calls it, Arco Arena. I bought tickets last week after procrastinating about it for over 2 months . Thanks to being sober I have found that my bank account often stays at a monetary amount that can afford me small gifts for me and my girl to enjoy. We are both so excited and even if the seats are off to the side and in the nose bleeds we are to extremely excited to attend.

        John Legend will also be opening up for Sade. That would be like getting to eat your favorite Cake with a glass of the most delicious Root Beer. Both performers can melt your heart with their words and if you don't have it on repeat for at least a couple tracks then something is wrong with you . So if you see me at the concert , say what's up , and at least I know you have good taste in music.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Trying it Clean and Sober

     It has been 14 days since I made the choice to be clean and sober . It was a decision that needed to be made. I have spent so many years saying "Yes" to everything and that it has been a complete change to now say "No" .  I have been going pretty hard for the last 15 years. Alcohol, Weed , and Cocaine have been a major factor in my life for all those years. Some more than others but they all play the same role. They allow me to think that I'm God and in control of any and every situation .
     But life is funny that way. I am but a mere grain of sand in this enormous world. Just a small piece of this creative intelligence we call earth. God has played a huge roll in this ability for me to change . Now this isn't the God that used to scare me in Catholic Class . This is  "God" as I know it. Something much bigger and more powerful than  I can ever imagine . I will let him guide me. I am no longer afraid of the road but
    Now I am not a sucker by any means. I understand that anything good is worth putting in work and time . Anyone can say they are going to stop drinking. But it is the time after that matters. Living a good life and trying to be sober is my goal. I am excited for the future and completing the goals that I set forth. I used to just talk about what I was going . It was a waste but just having a fighting chance now is something i truly cherish.
If you know someone that may want the help of A.A. please click on the link and check it out. They are all over the world and you can most likely and ready to help anyone whom wants to stop drinking .

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Fair is Back in Town

That's right people. The California State Fair is back in Sacramento for a magnificent two weeks. It starts this weekend.  If you want to see the true weirdos that California holds than the State Fair is your best bet . I try to go every year and since I have been with my lady we try to go a couple of times during the two week span. One trip is usually strictly for food and the other will be for the concert series.
 We had our very first date at the State Fair and witnessed MC Hammer absolutely murder it up there. It was a great show and it makes you realize that the world's greatest entertainers can put on a show anytime and anyplace. I spent two hundred dollars on twelve dollar beers but if you saw my lady it was all worth it. I think I was hungover for two days.
               The food is by far the best thing going on at the fair. it's not so much the Alligator or Elk Sausages. It's more about the Turkey Legs, Funnel Cakes, and Miller High Life. There are very few venues nowadays besides the Fair that will allow you to enjoy all of these food in one place and not be chastised by your peers. I recommend taking an antacid before and don't bring anyone on a diet.
 The Fair is for everyone but not everyone is made for the Fair.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Can you Handle it?

It's been a minute people. Sorry I have been away and just getting back into the swing of things. I have been busy with work and if you have read any of my blogs in the last month they seem a little on edge. I get frustrated sometimes, like everybody but I often get frustrated for not speaking up until it's too late or never at the right time. That is my curse. I feel the need to talk about things when they are blowing up in my face as opposed to discussing them in the early stages . I think most people call it being a "Pussy" , but I look at it as more. I feel a lot. I am constantly trying to listening to every sound and smell around me. I don't want to jump into anything to soon but at the same time I enjoy viewing the chaos that is this world. It is constantly raining hope at  different spots on the planet but at the same time it is dumping shit on the unfortunate. We as humans get both. The animals out there in the wilderness don't often get to deal with the shit side of life. Because when you're an animal of the forest when the bad hits, you usually, end up dying . But lucky for us human beings we get to deal with life when it gets bad but we also get to witness it when the good strikes.

But I have realized in the last couple weeks is that it always starts with yourself . If you want bad times than surround yourself with that negative energy. If you need to be positive than surround yourself with that positivity in your life. And that in itself if probably the most easily explained and the hardest thing to accomplish in one's life. But we can all have fun trying 

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Keep that Pitcher Full. Not that kind of Pitcher

As of right now I feel overwhelmed, overworked , and under appreciated. I feel overwhelmed cause their are so many things I want to do in this world. I want to be a Rugby Coach, a Musician, and hopefully one day own my own Real Estate Company. What the fuck? It couldn't be any different . I sound like a 6 year old kid telling everyone how he wants to be a football player when I grow up . You know the way you talk before life gets in the way . Stupid talk.
I feel overworked because no matter what I do the end result always changes. Maybe it is the lack of leadership I currently possess at my job? In "real life" I could coach forty Ruggers or put together an hour long concert. But in my employment life I am watcher. I am not making any move without a proper review of the task. I have been burned too many times.  I am not trying to waste an extra life. I work with salesmen all day. And if you're not careful you can get sold on their ideas. Which when it comes to a salesmen it is usually them selling you on doing their work for them. Typical shit .
And lastly I feel under appreciated because of my wallet. Actually my wallet is feeling under appreciated because seldom does anything go into it without most of it coming back out .  Working in a 100% commission industry can only bring more stress into your life. My wallet is light and sad.

As of right now I feel like I am letting life step all over me. I have this notion in my head that the fuller my pitcher is than the less opportunity I have to fail . But in actuality having such  a full pitcher has allowed me to step away from more important projects in order to please everyone . But pleasing does not pay the rent . Unless you're a prostitute. Which is something I am trying to avoid at all cost. so I am going to either pour some water out of this pitcher or get a smaller container.  

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Be A Firm Believer in Yourself

It starts with you. If you don't believe in what you stand for than pack it up. We all go through times where we think we might not be at our best or the world has it out for us . Those are normal feelings. It is a big scary place out there. Millions lose and even less win everyday.  A lot of turns where we don't know what is behind the next curve. Sometimes it's dark and finding our way out isn't always the top priority.

But I can say that the second you distrust yourself it is the beginning of the end. You need to be at all times your biggest fan, supporter and critical of your actions towards others . I know that I am not always the best at everything, or even anything for that matter. But I am me and I am responsible for my own happiness and for my own portion of the pie called life . Without my original drive I cannot expect others to provide for me and to know when I have had enough. It's not up to them  . I have a voice, a pen, or a computer where i can let these things be known . Without it I am a wild  animal that may have to fight for these things I take for granted . So as long as i have a voice I intend to use it .

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Art of Sing Fighting

I have never claimed to be the creator or inventor of anything . I have never made a discovery that will change the course of human intelligence . I can say that my girl and I are innovators and we have perfected the art of Sing Fighting. Or also know as Sing Arguing .

   What is Sing Fighting you ask? It is the act of critiquing, or proving a strong point through song that might otherwise be taken offensively if it was simply spoken. Singing and music have alleviated stress and brought joy to people for thousands of years. So when enlightening someone close to you with a topic that may come off as intrusive it may be in better taste to sing the request to them . Whether that be their current cleaning abilities or perhaps simply there current outlook on life . When tackling sensitive subjects it may just be easier to belt them out in song to your partner or close friends.
      Not everyone takes to Sing Fighting immediately . It takes two or more parties to be in a solid sing fighting contest. Just one person involved typically means you are singing songs to yourself which can come off as strange or slightly schizophrenic . You need to practice regularly. As well placed lyric in a Sing Fighting contest can make all the difference. And the power of song can be much more powerful than immediately telling someone they are a true train wreck .
     As an avid Sing Fighter I can tell you that the ability to tell my lady what is on my mind has increased ten fold. I am no longer afraid to tell the woman I love that she is being a baby or she may need to fold my clothes a little quicker next time she does laundry. As long as these requests are made through song I am confident that I will no longer be sleeping on the couch for erroneous non-rhythmic comments .

Please take my advice and truly give Sing Fighting as chance to make close relationships even closer.  

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Why do people write blogs?

Why do all these people around the world write blogs? Chances are you can't talk about what you want in your current surroundings. Maybe you are a kid confused about the world and every time you open your mouth someone tells you to "shut it"? Maybe you're a girl whose fashion sense is depressing at best and you want to find others that dress or look like you? Or maybe your a guy whose sense of the world can sometimes only be put into words cause if he went around saying that shit in public people would think he is crazy. I think I fall under the last one. I feel like I have so much to say and so little time to do it.  But after awhile a human being can only talk so much before you have to start putting it in writing . People don't want to just hear words.  If you just keep talking one day someone is going to ask you to stop. But people are so insane nowadays that you never know someones version of "stop". It could be a bullet.

I write a blog cause I feel that when I sit down and think about what I am writing it comes out straight to the point and easily interpreted. I wish everything was just like that. And than it hit me. That is why people do this venting on social media. It is the way I want it. That is the goal in this huge thing called Life. To make it the way you want it . To make it acceptable by you. For you to allow others to critique, make fun, or just plain ignore you words , but at the same time knowing they can look whenever they want . So on that note I am in full support of all you bloggers out there no matter how bad your shit sucks. At least you're at the comfort of your computer screen for the time being and not in the trenches of the real world .

Monday, May 16, 2011

Attack of the Hairy Back

I have a bald spot on the top of my head the size of a small plate . I reserve the right to only wear double extra large white shirts . I have an uncontrollable vice of drinking light beers and smoking cigarettes. All these traits are shared by millions of others in the world. But I also belong to a very secret and mysteriously club that rarely speaks in public and often stays out of the water without proper care. That's right I am the carrier and silent leader of the Hairy Back Club.
The first step to being in the club is admitting it . You can't hide from it. It follows you around wherever you go. It doesn't matter the hair color, or the age group. Once you are in , chances are you are in for life . I will offer a few tips that can make your entry into the club smooth and possibly pain free. Here goes!

1. You have a few ways you can go about getting the hair off your back. I recommend using electric clippers. I am not some LA model so I like a little fuzz. You could wax it off but make sure someone kicks you in the balls first to dull the pain . I don't recommend laser treatment cause it's very expensive.

2. No matter how flexible you are you can't do it yourself. You need someone on your side. You must befriend either a fellow Hairy Back member or ask your girlfriend really nicely .

3. I recommend shaving it at least every two months. That way you can keep your back hair looking short and manageable.

4. Don't ever be embarrassed by what you go going on on your back. You're a man and it goes with the territory.

5. Girls may make silly comments, but lets face it, they shave their butt holes, pluck their facial hair, and bleeds from their vagina once a month. They have very limited room to talk.

The bottom line is don't let your hairy back stop you from enjoying your summer. That would be silly .

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Growing into your own

It is that time of year that reminds you that the days of Summer Vacation are long gone. Riding your bike around and having nothing to worry or care about has since passed. I remember when summer was the season to cause trouble. You hung around friends from different schools, went on different road trips, and experienced different activities, whether forced to do so or not. You were turned from a school kid to a savage that ate anything, rarely wore shoes and would swim anytime, any place . Those were the days .

Now I have work. Year round. What the fuck is a vacation? The second you take one you are labeled the lazy one, especially in a self employment environment. Can you tell I am self employed? Well nowadays they say it is much better to have a job than have nothing at all. And I completely agree with that statement.

But as we get closer to summer I always believe that one day I can just say "Fuck It" and ditch everything for a nice long summer vacation with me and my girl. It's true we would sing songs and try to bug each other into submission, but we would be off for the summer and try to enjoy every minute of it. And that is why I work every week of the year. For the chance to have a summer vacation one day.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Fuck with my Money and You Fuck with my Emotions

It's true. I don't like when people mess with my money. It usually happens out of greed, miscommunication, or lack of knowledge. And all of these occurrences can come from the party shelling out the cash or the one receiving it . When it comes to the opportunity of putting greenbacks into your sweaty little hand, one miscalculation, can be the difference from carpooling to "Lunch is on Me". But before I start getting off track,  I want to make clear about a couple of rules that must be followed.
1. It's a job.
Bottom-line is you are usually getting paid because you have completed or are in the midst of completing some sort of work for an agreed amount of money in return. But wait, before you get ahead of yourself you must remember that when money is involved the friend stuff goes right out the door. Making money is about keeping money and if I am giving all my friends, cash, when they ask for it or think they deserve it than it will be a matter of time before you are out of business. This is where emotions come into play. A job may define your income but it shouldn't define you. Just cause your are friendly with your coworkers doesn't mean I want to spend my free time with them or listen to their personal thoughts and concerns. Some of my best friends have been former coworkers, but rarely does that happen. It takes unique people to respect work and the boundaries of friendship.   The second you make work personal than you are allowing work to define you.
2. If you think you can do it better, go for it.
If you think you can do the job better, than what is stopping you? Nothing says "see you on the flip side"  better than going out and doing it yourself. If you are tired of determining what your measly paycheck is going to be why don't you go out and create the opportunity for yourself. If you are upset about what you get why don't you become the one who dishes out the paychecks ? But remember when you are the boss the days of "Hating the Man" are over . You are "The Man " and guess what ? Everyone hates you. This road causes ulcers, heart-attacks, divorces, etc. It is not for the faint of heart But guaranteed you will be the one signing the checks . Some people are born to lead and others have no problem hiding in the shadows. Find out which one you are .
3. Take care of yourself first . You first. Everyone else comes second. Make sure you do what is in your best interest first. Hearts, Friendships, and Bones have been broken for not looking out for Numero Uno. You know what works for you. Some people need a handshake to conduct business while others need contracts. Find which one works for you .

Life will whiz right by you if you're not careful. And money doesn't grow anywhere anymore except underground. And if you aren't digging for it someone else is and probably using you as the labor .

Friday, April 1, 2011

Don't make it a Joke

Work ethic is the most important thumbprint you can have . People often judge you on how fast, smart and aggressive you are at your job. The lesser of any of these traits can lead to scrutiny, unwanted sarcasm or possibly even termination. It's a job. It's not a game of kickball and it certainly isn't a night out on the town with friends. It's a fucking job. Your fucking job, to be exact. It's your choice to be there. And if you choose to be there you better be doing your best . You are there for eight, nine, ten, or even eleven hours a day so you can live, eat, buy what you want and when you need it .
You will never outwork me. And if you do I want to be on your team. I show up early and I leave when my work is done. I try not to work with idiots and I cherish business relationships based on hard work and respect.
I had to get this out .

Monday, March 7, 2011

The City That Lost It's Team

It has been unfortunate over the last month or so to bear witness to the fact that the Sacramento Kings are most likely leaving the area. It is a mix of things that have drawn this event; A lack of a new stadium, a losing team, and the small market in which the Kings play within. The Kings are the biggest draw of sports in the Central Valley. It is obvious that their loss will be a big hit to Sacramento.
What next? Are we fighting a losing battle to a team that has stated that for business purposes, that moving is it's best bet. The Maloofs don't hate Sacramento but they do hate that the Kings have taken the biggest hit in the area due to the recession. People aren't going to games anymore because they simply can't afford to pay hundreds of dollars to take the family to a game in which they will most likely lose . So it is a mix of both . Almost like a "which came first the chicken or the egg" . If the Kings play good the fans show up. But with a limited arena and practice facility you can't expect the Kings to get better.  So now we are pointing fingers at both involved parties.

The came from somewhere else.

The Kings came from somewhere else and now it looks like that are moving to definitely not greener pastures, but more golden.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Uprise and Hope for the Best

Anyone can do it. Uprising against the powers that be . It could be a boss, a brother, or even the government . The 1st step is always the most important. That is are you willing to put it all on the line ? And that could include death or the death of loved ones. Millions have attempted it but few are in our history books. The first sign of possible harm or fear destroys most uprising immediately.
Most of us are afraid to uprise. Why? Most likely out of fear. not for fear that you will remain in the same position but fear that it could always get worse. And as we know in life it can always get worse.

I am happy to see that educated kids and adults are starting to make the push towards democracy. People all around the world want the same things. For your family to be safe and your immediate needs of warmth, shelter, food, and purpose to be satisfied. Easy in the literary sense but a ginormous effort in literal terms . I am hoping that the worlds' lust for power does not deter our love for one another . We shall see in these next coming months if the uprising can change into an upbringing.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tahoe Park Spartans

The Tahoe Park Spartans have officially taken the field. They are a first year youth rugby team out of downtown Sacramento. The team is comprised of 7th and 8th grade Boys and Girls. I  have the privilege of being one of their coaches . The team itself is part of the Police Athletic League and it's goals are to promote community and confidence . I can appreciate the Hearts And Minds campaign by our local law enforcement. I have never been much for cops but I have been slowly warming up to them . They are a pretty good group of guys and we are all volunteering our time so you can't knock that. We are steadily gaining the support of the players and parents. Rugby will change your life if you give it the chance.
 Our next games are:
Saturday 2/13/11 against Sierra at LDS Park in Penryn at 12pm and

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tomorrow it will have been 9 years

            On February 2nd 2011 it will be 9 years since my father, Joseph Marion Villa died. He lost the fight to a very rare and aggressive form of cancer called colorless melanoma. I was with him through the entire situation. I can remember the day , shortly after my sister and I had graduated college. She went the four year plan and I took the five year route. My father wanted to wait till we had enjoyed our completion of school before he told us the bad news. That effort on his part, to allow, his children to focus on themselves while he battled alone will forever be stuck in my head. The man always showed so much compassion for others that even though he knew that the cancer he had been stricken with was most likely fatal he kept it to himself for over two months before he told his children.
              Am I upset he waited so long? Maybe a little. Would I give anything to have him here today? Of course. Is this a realistic request or wish to want him back in my life? Probably not, but what true wish is ever realistic? I think about him everyday. Not one day sneaks by that doesn't remind me of something we did together.
A lot has changed since he was alive. I have grown into a man from a young adult and my life has been blessed with the many people whom are a part of it . I haven't found my calling but I have attempted to turn over the rocks of life to find it.  My sister has had the what would have been his first granddaughter, Tyler Trivers. She is to be married in the summer and he would have liked her fiance very much.  My brother has graduated college and trying to start a life on his own . My little brother reminds me so much of our father that we often tease each other when one of us is acting like "Dad". If Joe Villa is looking down on us I want him to know that we are all doing good. Life is a grind and filled with love, hardship, and hope. But he gave us enough knowledge of our surroundings that we are going to be just fine. And being "just fine" sits pretty well with me when I take a look at it all.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Shout Out From The Top Of My Ant Hill

I ain't shit. I am not a doctor. Not even close to being a lawyer or engineer. I can barely put together an outfit that doesn't include some form of a white t-shirt, Chuck Taylors, or jeans . I don't have the physique that you see in muscle magazines and I don't possess the ability to play a sport for a bunch of money. I am not that good with the ladies and I never been the most popular guy in the group.

But  I can speak in front of twenty thousand people and not break a sweat. I can write you something that will fill you with joy, rage, or hope at my discretion. I can write a song or rap that you will carry in your head for the rest of the day.  I am a leader. My words are golden. I am not a fighter or a lover. I am an entity that believes that as long as you work hard you deserve anything you can place your hands upon freely. You were placed on this earth to show that man is just an animal with the sense of reason and the ability to mentally make ourselves feel safe in the most terrifying situations. Your job as a human is to remain you and never falter from the fact. And that in itself is always an impossible goal

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Happy Birthday Mom

In case you forgot you're 61 years old today. I love you and I hope Nordstrom has everything you have ever wanted and needed .

Mid Level Marketing Retards

             Do you want to be part of a scam? Do you want a warm and cozy feeling as you trick your friends and family into paying for a membership into a club that will never benefit them in any way? I my friend have the answer. It's called Mid Level Marketing. It is also known as a Pyramid Scheme. You secure that your place in "The Middle" will always be a step up from the next person you conjure into the scenario.
             I am going to go out on a limb here and state that if you belong to one of these programs you most likely long for feelings of acceptance or strive for one day to be the one wielding the big stick. Good Luck. Life, Nature, and Time will always have the final verdict.  I personally think you're a pussy. If you cannot touch and feel the product I firmly believe that you should stay away from the investment potential. Most of these programs cost a few hundred to a few thousand to join. Just enough to make a profit but not enough if your money somehow disappeared into the mix. Nice move pyramid schemer.  The goal of these programs is to get more members so you benefit from there initial membership cost. Twenty, fifity, one hundred kickbacks start to add up. But so do the phone calls when people want to get paid and they want their investment back.
             Any true investment takes time to mature and prosper. Especially if that investment is to last .
Donald Trump never did dick for me and Monavie doesn't help me wake up in the morning and fight the powers that be.
          Here are a few Mid Level Marketers you may have heard of; Zombies, Vampires, Pimps, Slave Traders, and Herpes. All take one individual to truly want to exploit others around them with tales of riches, love, warmth, and growth, but must maintain that the risk is solely on the back of your victim. I mean client. I meant to say client .