On February 2nd 2011 it will be 9 years since my father, Joseph Marion Villa died. He lost the fight to a very rare and aggressive form of cancer called colorless melanoma. I was with him through the entire situation. I can remember the day , shortly after my sister and I had graduated college. She went the four year plan and I took the five year route. My father wanted to wait till we had enjoyed our completion of school before he told us the bad news. That effort on his part, to allow, his children to focus on themselves while he battled alone will forever be stuck in my head. The man always showed so much compassion for others that even though he knew that the cancer he had been stricken with was most likely fatal he kept it to himself for over two months before he told his children.

Am I upset he waited so long? Maybe a little. Would I give anything to have him here today? Of course. Is this a realistic request or wish to want him back in my life? Probably not, but what true wish is ever realistic? I think about him everyday. Not one day sneaks by that doesn't remind me of something we did together.
A lot has changed since he was alive. I have grown into a man from a young adult and my life has been blessed with the many people whom are a part of it . I haven't found my calling but I have attempted to turn over the rocks of life to find it. My sister has had the what would have been his first granddaughter, Tyler Trivers. She is to be married in the summer and he would have liked her fiance very much. My brother has graduated college and trying to start a life on his own . My little brother reminds me so much of our father that we often tease each other when one of us is acting like "Dad". If Joe Villa is looking down on us I want him to know that we are all doing good. Life is a grind and filled with love, hardship, and hope. But he gave us enough knowledge of our surroundings that we are going to be just fine. And being "just fine" sits pretty well with me when I take a look at it all.
1 comment:
Cam, your dad was such a cool guy. I will never forget the time he took me to the only father/daughter function that I have ever attended. It was a spaghetti dinner for my campfire girls troop. The food was awful but your dad choked it down with a smile.I remember that all my friends were impressed that I had a "dad" that was so young and cute:) It really sucks growing up without a dad. You miss out on so many things that people take for granted. I personally never knew what it was like to be daddy's little girl,but with that small gesture, for one night in my young life, I had a glimpse of what that felt like. I will forever be grateful to Uncle Joe for that.
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