Thursday, January 27, 2011

Shout Out From The Top Of My Ant Hill

I ain't shit. I am not a doctor. Not even close to being a lawyer or engineer. I can barely put together an outfit that doesn't include some form of a white t-shirt, Chuck Taylors, or jeans . I don't have the physique that you see in muscle magazines and I don't possess the ability to play a sport for a bunch of money. I am not that good with the ladies and I never been the most popular guy in the group.

But  I can speak in front of twenty thousand people and not break a sweat. I can write you something that will fill you with joy, rage, or hope at my discretion. I can write a song or rap that you will carry in your head for the rest of the day.  I am a leader. My words are golden. I am not a fighter or a lover. I am an entity that believes that as long as you work hard you deserve anything you can place your hands upon freely. You were placed on this earth to show that man is just an animal with the sense of reason and the ability to mentally make ourselves feel safe in the most terrifying situations. Your job as a human is to remain you and never falter from the fact. And that in itself is always an impossible goal

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