Tuesday, November 12, 2013

This one is for you Mike S

                      So I was approached by one of my best buds the other day as to why I have a blog and put all of this out there into the world.  It took me a second, actually a day as to why I do what I do. Part of me wants to scream at the top of my lungs " I am more than what you see!"  What I mean by that is I have a million thoughts racing through my tiny brain all day. How I could be better, do more, do less, be a part of the problem, the solution, the idea or the destruction of one . So many characters I want to play and so little time to do it . I sure I could be diagnosed as having ADHD but what fun would that be?  Who wants to know the answers to yourself in medical terms?  First and foremost, I am a dad and a partner now. I do not move in a group of one and I can't think of just myself .
          Believe me every once in a I remember when I was a single guy living off the land and scrounging for something warm to eat and wondering if I had time to do the laundry or get one more wear out of something . But writing and talking about my feeling does bring me back to those times. I am free to write whatever I want and whatever I am thinking . That is just enough for me nowadays . And when I say talk about my feeling I don't mean "my dad died and I never got to be in a rock band". What I do mean is I am getting older and wiser, hopefully, and this is what I see and feel. Believe me, the world doesn't need another person crying about their problems to the masses.
      So I guess the only way to answer my friend on as to why I write what I write is it keeps me sane and in turn maybe the people around me. I am quick to pull the trigger with my words and every once in a while I find solace in writing them done instead of blabbing them to anyone that will listen. Writing this gives me a chance to reflect and allows someone else to check it out at there own pace . And on that note I am outta here. Until next time.......

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Please call Bigfoot by their proper name, Homo Sapiens Cognatus

The Best Christmas Ever !!!
             I admit. I am a follower. I follow anything related to the legend known as Bigfoot. I've read all the books which is usually regurgitated info that I read years before . I look at every website I can find but most don't have consistently updating info. A few do like Bigfoot Evidence and The Bigfoot Field Journal . Another site that adds Bigfoot contemporary information with a little gossip is Robert Lindsay's blog Beyond Highbrow. Either of these sites will fill you with hours on entertainment and information.  I try and watch as many videos as I can, but once you have seen all the good ones, you'll know the difference. I follow my favorites Bigfoot researchers on Facebook and read all their updates. I have started listening to Podcast but I feel almost dirty listening to another man talk into a microphone from the privacy of his own home. Luckily, there I can hear the voices behind the names and get a real feeling for what they witness. To this day I try never to miss a JC Johnson interview. Either that man is a real life monster hunter or he may be the greatest storyteller that ever lived. I am leaning in favor of the monster hunter. I am what they call an "Armchair Researcher". Remember that name. I don't go out in the woods, go on expeditions, or even go on a mere hike. I am not trying to dirty my Chucks and White V-neck. I am a city boy who cares deeply for my Forest People. The Bigfoot world needs us. Why else would this all be so accessible on the web? Without support of the common man, Bigfoot is just a story. Body or not. I guess you could say I am obsessed.

           But when I go onto the Internet I am reading up on Bigfoot. Maybe an occasional world event here and there but for the most part it's Bigfoot. What's new, what's not, what is fake and what has the potential to be true?  I have never not believed they were real , I just didn't know what it was. The biggest problem with believing in Bigfoot is the public doesn't know how it relates to them. Selfish but very human. If Bigfoot is real what does that mean about Jesus, Mohammad, Buddha, and the rest of the gang? I guess it puts everything we know into question?

                      That's not a big deal to be Bigfoots' biggest fan is it? I have a great job, a roof over my head, a loving woman and a perfect little newborn baby. I have much more than most. But I can't even stop talking when someone eggs me on about discussing Bigfoot. Am I childish for doing so? Am I a sucker to their cause?  It usually starts with "How much time do you have to discuss the topic of Bigfoot?" Cause truthfully it's an all day discussion. If you want the straight up of what I think that could run us an hour of so. I mean, you are talking about a living direct link to our ancestry!!! So out of respect they deserve at least two hours of discussing. That would give us enough time to discuss what it is, where it lives, and who are the major players. This isn't to be taken lightly people!

Dennis Pfohl, Adrian Erickson, and Melba Ketchum
    It is known to grow to height of over ten feet . It could weigh over a thousand pounds in some cases. They have family units like you and I. They have been around us all along for thousands of years. It's speed and overall stealth is unmatched compared to any man. The forest is just like our living rooms. if something was missing they would know. It's the top predator in North America besides it's city dwelling brother also known as the common man. They come in many different colors and with many different physical traits. Much like ourselves . And today they released its Binomial Nomenclature with ZooBank  . The research group associated with Melba Ketchum released 3 whole genomes of Bigfoot aka Homo Sapiens Cognatus. Cognatus meaning related to the mother by blood . The research suggested that sometime 13,000 years ago a female human being mated with something that wasn't 100% like us . What that created was the ancestor known as Bigfoot. Just understanding that part could take a lifetime.

So here I am . Confused, baffled, and a little excited that my beliefs are now backed up by science. What next ? For years I have had to use words like " what if" , "maybe" or "the possibility" . Am I free now to talk amongst civilized humans about the Hominid known as Bigfoot. Probably not, but  has that ever stopped us before?


Friday, August 2, 2013

The Best Part of Being a Dad

           The best part of being a Dad is easy. I mean look past the absolute joy of having a little person matched in your likeness cause that is amazing in itself. And look past the fact that your lady is an amazing human being just for sacrificing her body to make sure your baby is healthy  .
The best part of being a father is I don't have to listen to shit you say! Nothing . Your words or personal rules have nothing to do with me . Your opinions mean zero. The only thing I am responsible for is taking care of my lady and our baby. That's it! I mean sure that entails a ton of stuff but in some weird way it almost makes it easier. Caveman style I would like to call it. As long as mammoth meat is on the table and we are clothed in the freshest deer skins we are going to be alright.   I am not concerned with being left out of a golf trip, missing a night with the boys, or subscribing to the coolest new fad. I am over it. Right now knowing that our little cherub is safe and obviously well fed is enough for this guy . Knowing she isn't crying(that much) and is comfortable is the best! I never thought in a million years that this selfish guy would be preaching those words. But I am. Whether you have kids or not, guess what? I don't care. Whether you think that we are poor parents and don't deserve to be in this position you can suck it ! We couldn't be more blessed and thankful for our situation but literally nothing you say to me even matters that much. So on that note get out there today and take what's yours!  

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Who would have thought this is what lucky means?

I try not to use the word "luck". Sometimes I feel that saying "you're lucky" is another way of saying that you were unprepared or not wanting of the positive outcome. Luck has a funny way of making a situation look like it was a complete surprise. But when Poppy came in our lives just one day ago "Luck " is the only word for it. After seeing her face and touching her skin the tricky word of "luck" couldn't have summarized how we felt any better. My partner and I have to be the two luckiest people in the world. She was in labor for over 40 hours! I know, a complete work week, with no approved overtime. But when little Poppy came in this world we were amazed, taken back, surprised, and overjoyed. Two people that sometimes purposely try to just think abut themselves where awarded the most perfect beautiful baby daughter the world have ever seen. The "I" goes out the window and is immediately replaced with "us", "we", and "her".
I want to thank the wonderful lady in my life for putting her body on the line to bring our daughter into the world. Without her I m lost and with her I am found. With her I am a leader, father, partner, and provider. Without her I am a mere see through impression of a man that wants the right without the direction. I thank her for her guidance, strength, and patience, though she will humbly deny all three. But that is why I love her.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Sporadic at best

The last 8 or 9 months have been insane. As many of you know or maybe you don't, Jamee and I are expecting our first baby at the end of May. Exciting to say the least but a few things get forgotten in the hustle. Firstly, this blog, has gone by the wayside. It's not easy to stop and write when the madness is going all around you. And when I say madness I mean the sheer excitement and enjoyment of having your life flipped upside down and you having no control of it. We love it cause choices are becoming a fabled myth. You just do what you got to do. So we have decided to ride the wave. The wave of new feelings, new baby items , and the ever constant opinions of mothers, mothers to be, and fathers. It is neat to be able to take it all in with a great partner in crime. A few years ago we were worried about where we were going to get our rent money and how to get caught up on our bills. Now we know that those things, though important , are as important as caring for a new baby . So I am commiting back to this little blog I got and am going to attempt to update the people who want to listen . Later