Sunday, May 26, 2013

Who would have thought this is what lucky means?

I try not to use the word "luck". Sometimes I feel that saying "you're lucky" is another way of saying that you were unprepared or not wanting of the positive outcome. Luck has a funny way of making a situation look like it was a complete surprise. But when Poppy came in our lives just one day ago "Luck " is the only word for it. After seeing her face and touching her skin the tricky word of "luck" couldn't have summarized how we felt any better. My partner and I have to be the two luckiest people in the world. She was in labor for over 40 hours! I know, a complete work week, with no approved overtime. But when little Poppy came in this world we were amazed, taken back, surprised, and overjoyed. Two people that sometimes purposely try to just think abut themselves where awarded the most perfect beautiful baby daughter the world have ever seen. The "I" goes out the window and is immediately replaced with "us", "we", and "her".
I want to thank the wonderful lady in my life for putting her body on the line to bring our daughter into the world. Without her I m lost and with her I am found. With her I am a leader, father, partner, and provider. Without her I am a mere see through impression of a man that wants the right without the direction. I thank her for her guidance, strength, and patience, though she will humbly deny all three. But that is why I love her.

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