Monday, January 10, 2011

Not enough flossing

It should be the metaphor for today's society. We just aren't flossing enough . Think about it, flossing takes work. It takes time, but the effects are lasting . At first it can be painful, as it should be, your sticking porous string between your teeth. But after every time your gums and teeth get stronger.
Most people want to use mouthwash or electric toothbrushes thinking that using chemicals or machines can do a better job. The media tells us that  too much fluoride is now a bad thing. So what is stopping people from taking the time to properly flush your pearly whites ? It's the notion that it is not NEW, HIP, or PAIN FREE. But lets face it, nothing that is supposed to last has anything to do with the for mentioned adjectives. Life is like that. The quick, fast and easy routes are the first ones to fail .

So next time you get that piece of food in your teeth, don't rinse, or pick at it. just grab the spool of floss and give it a shot. Your chompers will thank you later .

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