Why do all these people around the world write blogs? Chances are you can't talk about what you want in your current surroundings. Maybe you are a kid confused about the world and every time you open your mouth someone tells you to "shut it"? Maybe you're a girl whose fashion sense is depressing at best and you want to find others that dress or look like you? Or maybe your a guy whose sense of the world can sometimes only be put into words cause if he went around saying that shit in public people would think he is crazy. I think I fall under the last one. I feel like I have so much to say and so little time to do it. But after awhile a human being can only talk so much before you have to start putting it in writing . People don't want to just hear words. If you just keep talking one day someone is going to ask you to stop. But people are so insane nowadays that you never know someones version of "stop". It could be a bullet.

I write a blog cause I feel that when I sit down and think about what I am writing it comes out straight to the point and easily interpreted. I wish everything was just like that. And than it hit me. That is why people do this venting on social media. It is the way I want it. That is the goal in this huge thing called Life. To make it the way you want it . To make it acceptable by you. For you to allow others to critique, make fun, or just plain ignore you words , but at the same time knowing they can look whenever they want . So on that note I am in full support of all you bloggers out there no matter how bad your shit sucks. At least you're at the comfort of your computer screen for the time being and not in the trenches of the real world .
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