It's been a minute people. Sorry I have been away and just getting back into the swing of things. I have been busy with work and if you have read any of my blogs in the last month they seem a little on edge. I get frustrated sometimes, like everybody but I often get frustrated for not speaking up until it's too late or never at the right time. That is my curse. I feel the need to talk about things when they are blowing up in my face as opposed to discussing them in the early stages . I think most people call it being a "Pussy" , but I look at it as more. I feel a lot. I am constantly trying to listening to every sound and smell around me. I don't want to jump into anything to soon but at the same time I enjoy viewing the chaos that is this world. It is constantly raining hope at different spots on the planet but at the same time it is dumping shit on the unfortunate. We as humans get both. The animals out there in the wilderness don't often get to deal with the shit side of life. Because when you're an animal of the forest when the bad hits, you usually, end up dying . But lucky for us human beings we get to deal with life when it gets bad but we also get to witness it when the good strikes.
But I have realized in the last couple weeks is that it always starts with yourself . If you want bad times than surround yourself with that negative energy. If you need to be positive than surround yourself with that positivity in your life. And that in itself if probably the most easily explained and the hardest thing to accomplish in one's life. But we can all have fun trying
1 comment:
Perfectly said. I feel the same way sometimes.
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