Firstly, I want to state that canes or any other walking apparatus that resembles a cane is only "cool" when you don't have to use it. That being said some days I look like an old man and on other days I look like a street hardened pimp looking for my next dollar. It all depends on my dress. I have moved up from crutches to a walking cane about two weeks ago. I feel like I am starting to get this old life back. I can get around a lot better and I am able to do things like cook and carry my own plate. That doesn't sound like a lot but when you have a choice between eating over a sink and having to ask someone to carry your plate it starts to get frustrating . My doctor said I have come a long ways and the physical therapy I have been doing has shown. That being said I still am a long ways off from running, jumping, and the occasional flip off a diving board. But remember life is about progress, and I feel like I have made a lot of that. No one was against me during this process but a lot of people doubted I would be back at it so fast. They said I would walk for six months. But hey when you ain't got kids, a mortgage, and no car payment, you got some time to get better. I couldn't have done it without Jamee "Jimmy" Sims, but we don't have to tell her that cause she'll just read it in this blog. Watch out World!
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