Wednesday, December 22, 2010

All My Friends are Having Kids

All of them. Every single one of them it seems like. I can't get through a week without hearing about when there kid is due or the great pictures they took over the weekend with the little tike. I am not ready to end my life in order to get three hours of sleep a night and shell out cash for a kid who doesn't make a dime in my favor. I know that might sound harsh, but I feel like I am still a kid. My employment has always been sporadic and the only thing I am saving are jobs at Fast Food Restaurants. Seriously, a kid in my near future may lead to thoughts of suicide . My sister just had a baby. Congrats to her and Nate. It is fantastic feeling being an uncle. But I can walk away when I want but still have the bond of family right next to me. When I get home from work I want to hit the gym and than couch surf. Not feed kids, do their homework, and finally trick them into bed .

1 comment:

BillyTheKid said...

“Kids” just replaced the word “Life” before “HAHAHAHAHA!” (A Wise “Ass” once told “me the only part you can control is the laugh”.)
On my way to work today I thought to myself…there is a certain aged child that I just don’t want to hold…I have even heard you can “break” small babies.
Truth be told, babies give me anxiety like when you were a child walking into a china store with your Mom…arms firmly pressed against your sides.
I think there is an age where kids finally begin to interpret sarcasm…the naively fun window I like to call the innocence prior to the monster you created. After that point you become karma’s bitch and everything you ever did badly to a substitute teacher in your youth will come back to you ten fold. FYL!
I love other people’s kids…I just love handing back to their parents more.