Thursday, June 28, 2012

You, Me and Obamacare

           I think the guy is a genius. He is looking out for the American people. What do you expect the President of the United States to do? That is his job. We live in the richest, most ethnically diverse county in the world. A county that has opened its doors to people trying to make a better life for themselves . So why shouldn't he work on a bill to provide Americans with stable private healthcare ? Of course if you can afford it you should purchase it. And if you have health insurance you should be able to keep it without worry of unwarranted rate hikes. Healthcare almost seems like something only for the rich or the corporately employed can have on a regular basis. Right now I pay about $180 a month for health and dental coverage. I could spend $180 dollars in a night out with my girl or during an afternoon at an expensive golf course. Sure both of those actions are much more fun than shelling out almost $200 bucks to have the privilege of seeing a doctor to diagnose my ailments.

But check this out, I broke my left leg almost nine months ago and the final bill was $295,000! Now I wondered two things during the time I was laid up in a hospital bed. Firstly, I was there for 8 days and was amazed that $295,000 of services were performed upon me. That seemed like a lot. But what my insurance paid to settle was almost half of the total bill. The reason is the doctors provide so many services that go unsettled or under contractual obligation that if they don't overbill they lose money. I never understood the system until I was thrown into it.   Secondly I wouldn't have known what to do if I didn't have health insurance. The cost would have been a financial disaster for me and my family. The time off work alone was almost unbearable since I am 100% commission.

So I welcome the Obamacare plan being passed by the Supreme Court. Jack up my taxes if I can be assured that my fellow American citizen can be protected to seek out healthcare to protect themselves and their families

Friday, June 22, 2012

Who am I?

Who Am I? This is seamlessly an impossible question for me to answer. I could tell you who I was. A student, a musician, a rugby player, a drunk, a jokester, a cheat, and a thief. I could tell you whom I would like to become. A father, a husband, a leader, an owner, a provider . But I have a really tough time telling you who I am now. I think I am mixture of all. I know where I want to go but I can't seem to shake the persona of what I was. Does everyone have this issue or am I the only one ?  It's fun to  think about the past and it's intriguing to predict the future but it's kind of scary living in the present. The present appears to be so unpredictable and ever changing . I feel like I get my heartbroken a few times a week. I am slowly moving from what everyone else is doing to just worrying about myself and my immediate circle . That is a tough transisiton. I amost feel like I am trying to not care so much anymore. But in reality I am caring more about stuff that is important to me .