Anyone can do it. Uprising against the powers that be . It could be a boss, a brother, or even the government . The 1st step is always the most important. That is are you willing to put it all on the line ? And that could include death or the death of loved ones. Millions have attempted it but few are in our history books. The first sign of possible harm or fear destroys most uprising immediately.
Most of us are afraid to uprise. Why? Most likely out of fear. not for fear that you will remain in the same position but fear that it could always get worse. And as we know in life it can always get worse.
I am happy to see that educated kids and adults are starting to make the push towards democracy. People all around the world want the same things. For your family to be safe and your immediate needs of warmth, shelter, food, and purpose to be satisfied. Easy in the literary sense but a ginormous effort in literal terms . I am hoping that the worlds' lust for power does not deter our love for one another . We shall see in these next coming months if the uprising can change into an upbringing.