Friday, February 17, 2012

Just so we are clear on Bigfoot

I have always had an obsession with Bigfoot. Some people call the creature Sasquatch but for the sake of this blog we are going to keep calling them Bigfoot. I can' remember how old I was but I have always been fascinated by Cryptozoology or the study of unknown animals. I grew up and have always lived in the city but anything related to nature has caught my attention. My dad's family are cattle ranchers in Humboldt County and fondness for the wilderness has always been a part of their culture.  That being said I have religiously followed every website and television show related to the animal they call Bigfoot. Well it look like my prayers have been answered.
They will soon release the first scientific peer review of the animal that has lived side by side human beings for thousands of year. The head of the study is a lady named Melba Ketchum. She is a DNA scientist and an important person that has been brave enough to take a chance at proving Bigfoots' existence. She is not alone but her name will always be associated with the project. Proving the existence of Bigfoot is a small step in opening up the world and universe to the possibility that we are not alone and we are not even the only hominid living on planet earth. That's right Bigfoot is or will be proven to be  a form of Hominidae. I am not saying that they are human beings but they are part of the lineage that has evolved into a successful forms related to primates and even more closely related to human beings. This could change everything we thought we knew about our evolution and the evolution of all of nature .

It is a matter of time before the world will need to accept the fact that the creature called Bigfoot is a form of ancient hominin. It may have traits that we lost a long time ago in our evolution or maybe never had to begin with. I am very excited for the answers to be published. A few of the things I have heard is that Bigfoot is more closely related to us than chimpanzees which are currently our closest living relative. This doesn't make them an ape but something in between. The mitochondrial DNA that was tested points at lineage of  a human mother but the nuclear DNA may be from something we have never seen . I have followed a few of the websites like Bigfoot Evidence, North American Bigfoot Search, Bigfoot Field Research Organization, and the ever confrontational Robert Lindsay. It is safe to say that something big is about to happen in the world of Bigfoot that will and can change everything we have ever thought about our own existence. I cannot wait for the release of the information and to all the people that doubted the existence of Bigfoot, "I told you so".

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Appreciate the Stress of the Life you Choose

I accept it. The stress that is. The stress of the life I choose. I chose to wake up at 5am everyday to go hustle in the mortgage business. I could be a barista or a janitor if I chose to be . Live a stress free existence . But that shit ain't for Cam Villa. But neither is speaking in the third person. I like the stress. Bring it all on me. I don't crack that easily. And if and when I do I will act accordingly. But do  really even know what stress really is? I don't have kids and I don't have a mortgage. I do still live paycheck to paycheck but it's getting better . Or maybe I am just getting smarter. I stopped drinking and doing hard drugs over 6 months ago and that has brought a mental clarity that has been amazing. It doesn't erase the stress but it allows me to cope. The more minutes of the day that I am myself , the more chances I get to get to succeed. And in this life it's about getting in as many swings as I can.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

10 years of what?

Today it will have been 10 years since my father passed away. Sometimes it seems like a world away and other times it feels as if I just saw him yesterday. I miss him a lot but I also understand that a whole lot of him is in me. Therefore when I really miss him I just have to look into myself and I find it comforting .
Joe Marion Villa III was a good man. He had a pretty dry sense of humor and was a fabulous cook. He would bend over backwards for you but he was passionate about making sure you understand how respect and hard work are business partners in a thriving industry called "Life". We had become very close over the years before his death and I will always be thankful for that . He was quick to give you his advice on something but he never got upset when you didn't follow his words. I liked that about him. He didn't judge but he at least had to get out his point before you make a choice.
I know he is up there, here, by a beach, with Fran his wife, watching over my brother , sister, and all the people in our family . I miss you Joey V. But I want to let you know I am doing great , and if I can't see you I can always lead by your examples.