I am at a crossroad of career change and perpetuating doubt about what to do next? I have so many great things in my little insignificant life and I should be very thankful for them all. I am. But when it comes to work and employment I hit the wall. I have never had a job that pays over a hundred thousand and I have never been a part of a corporation that offers health, 401K, or any of the employee perks companies offer. I consider myself very smart but how smart can one claim to be when they aren't even in control of their income? I mean really? I am going to make two thousand dollars this month. Seriously! After taxes it is going to be in the neighborhood of sixteen hundred dollars. Not much for an apparently intelligent individual. Dumb du-dumb dumb!
So what am I suppose to do? I could fake it to make? I could give up and continue to work for a very small paycheck? I could get off my ass and go find something else( I already have been doing this but this a blog people). Or I can become my own boss? Find something that I am talented enough to accomplish and hopefully bust my ass at trying to make it happen.
Life is funny that way. You need to keep scratching away just to make a dent. But I will keep scratching and clawing because it has to be better than the job I got now .