Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Stand up for who?

 I am at a crossroad of career change and perpetuating doubt about what to do next?  I have so many great things in my little insignificant life and I should be very thankful for them all. I am.  But when it comes to work and employment I hit the wall. I have never had a job that pays over a hundred thousand and I have never been a part of a corporation that offers health, 401K, or any of the  employee perks companies offer. I consider myself very smart but how smart can one claim to be when they aren't even in control of their income? I mean really? I am going to make two thousand dollars this month. Seriously! After taxes it is going to be in the neighborhood of sixteen hundred dollars. Not much for an apparently intelligent individual. Dumb du-dumb dumb!
So what am I suppose to do? I could fake it to make? I could give up and continue to work for a very small paycheck? I could get off my ass and go find something else( I already have been doing this but this a blog people). Or I can become my own boss? Find something that I am talented enough to accomplish and hopefully bust my ass at trying to make it happen.

Life is funny that way. You need to keep scratching away just to make a dent. But I will keep scratching and clawing  because it has to be better than the job I got now .

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Go San Francisco Giants. Keep it Heavy on the Luck and Bring God

Willie M

Usually I am the guy that says "Fuck Baseball!" Compared to Basketball or Football it doesn’t hold a candle to my attention span. Though Rugby is my game of choice, in the United States, it isn't getting a lot of television play. So here we are with baseball. Ready to embark on the San Francisco Giants' quest to win the World Series. I know they can do it but what happens when something you have dreamed of all your life becomes a reality? You have been thanking all of these underlying feelings your entire life. Those feeling might as well be bullshit but they have seemed to work. God and Luck may as well be the same thing. Neither got professional players to the point that they are at but we can all pretend can't we? I mean at some point both entities may or may not have played a role in the success of the individual. But the player draws power in knowing that even if it didn’t it would be hard to prove against. It is sort of like relating your good looks to a parent. That person may not even be your real Dad but you get a sense of accomplishment and strength knowing these physical attributes were originally from them.
      This brings me to my next point. What is wrong with pretending, using your imagination, or making it all up to benefit you? Sounds like a game plan to me. Make it all up if it gets you to the spot of optimum performance. It is sort of like reciting you third grade baseball team in your head while you're pounding a hot chick. Bringing random thoughts and scenarios in your head assists you in becoming the best at that point in time. Or at least it keeps the momentum going until she is satisfied. You know how bitches are…
So my thoughts to the Giants are be fake, make it up, bullshit your way tot he top because if you look at the stats, media, or the history than you are going to lose. I will be giving you all my good luck lasers and praying to Allah in hopes that you will win the World Series and tell the Rangers to go "Fuck Themselves". Good luck to you San Francisco Giants.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Every show on T.V. wants me to shed a tear

                      It's the god damn truth! Every show on the television wants me to break down and cry in sadness or glory. It doesn't matter to them. Just as long as my tears are flowing. Hopefully for show sponsors(there's "TheMan" again)the moment I start to cry it goes to commercial break and keeps me interested just long enough that I don't dare flip the channel. I am sure reality television shows hate commercials too but if they want Snooki to be able to loose enough weight for next season they have to keep her paid. POOR PEOPLE EAT MORE CARBS AND LESS PROTEIN. It's a fact.USDA research But back to my initial thoughts about T.V. making me shed tears.
               I watch a little of everything. And what I mean by that is I try to watch as many beginning and ends of programs that I can. The best stuff happens in the first 11 minutes and in the last 6 minutes of a 1 hour show.  But turn to any prime time non-comedy show and chances are you better break out the box of Kleenex. The worst culprits are those Makeover Shows. Whether it's a house, school, boss, face, or body when that object gets a new coat of paint, tears will be shed. Throw a retard or disabled person in the mix and the chances of crying are double. Pop a down and out Mom in there and I may need to be hydrated before I watch the show . Mission accomplished. These shows enforce the fact that despite my low self-esteem and self-defeating personality , I am most definitely not the most pathetic person on the planet. And provided with the proper tools the person I originally thought was the most pathetic person in the world now has a new house, job, lease on life, or maybe even the chance to get laid.

Extreme Home Makeover
        What does crying do? It makes us feel human again. But human enough to do what? To make a change, a correction, or maybe a difference. Hopefully for the show sponsors just enough to make you want to clean up your act and buy something.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Does anyone else want to Firebomb their place of employment??

I work in the Financial Settlement Industry. It's my daytime gig for my nighttime dreams. I am one step above an insurance salesman, and one below a car salesman. Pretty meek existence if you ask me. I have been trying to get on with the State of California for almost a year. I used to like my job for the first three months, but it was only cause I was the new guy in the small pond. Five months later all I can say is Fuck This Place! I am ready for plan B!

My advice to you is never get credit cards, don't fall for high interest loans, and stay away from any bitch that want material items. And after watching many stories about America going into the toilet I have come up with one solution.
Be your own boss no matter what it takes. During a recession period the rules go out the windows. People no longer have friends they do business with. It's either this relationship is benefiting me or I am out of here.
Mind you these comments are coming from someone that doesn't have the guts to tell his boss to FUCK OFF or throw him out the window! It's too bad I work on the 1st floor.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Stay on Track. It's the weekend.

I hope everyone has a great weekend. I have to stay on track because as everyone knows today is payday in the world of the 1st and the 15th. Hopefully it's a good one cause I have golf, the Giants game, and the 49ers vs the Raiders this weekend alone. But after that I have to save every measly penny
I am going to have some dinner tonight with the lady at a new restaurant in Sacramento called  SHABU Japanese Fondue .
It looks like a delicious place . I am always a big fan of restaurants that keep it simple.

 I had a great Kettebell workout last night and I challenge anyone who wants a real burner and gain some true strength . Check out the wiki definition Kettlebell .

They are easy on the body as long as you use the proper weight and technique. They are fun, easy,and it doesn't take a lot of time so you can get back tot he grind of real life.

Have a great weekend and drink a few Bud Lights for me.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

It Is Your Job To Fight The Man Until You Become The Man

That is the quote of the day. I don't know who said it but he or she was a fighter and I can only congratulate them. You can't let the man get you down. The Man's job is to keep all the resources for himself and give you only enough so you don't starve but never enough so you don't revolt. It is the story of life. We should be fighting for peace and against famine, but  we have to fight the Man instead.
        The Man holds no physical gender but The Man does have some sort of sexual prowess to either promote or neglect. You need to money to get sex,  food, or shelter. Or you need the form of currency that is accepted. Whether that is drugs or just an opportunity in life that depends on the person getting fucked . The Man has the choice on whether to provide for you so you can "get yours" or he can keep it from you and he retains all the control.
       The next question is what beats the man?
1.The first thing is self-respect. If you can't respect your choices and opportunities than you don't deserve a chance.
2.The next is to stay educated. No one said you had to be a Rhodes Scholar. But don't act like a retard and expect to make it to the top.
Fight the Man
3. Support. People don't do it alone anymore. Whether you have a good woman or a ruthless gang you need someone on your side, team, and page(as on the same..)
4. Don't be scared of the odds. They were stacked against you before you were born. Either you believe the hype or you walk the line .
5. If you act like you care than you care. Sometimes you got to cry about it and other times you just have to be happy you made it this far.
6. And lastly, don't play yourself out. Interpret this however you want sucker.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Golf On Brother

I have been trying my luck on the links. I used to be Anti-Golf. I hated anything golf because at the time I thought I was a big, bad rugby player and if it didn't have physical contact I wanted nothing to do with it. Ten years later and two bad legs later I have decided to apologize for my previous thoughts. Much like life, when you look back at how you felt about something ten years ago it makes you want to kick your own ass.

       So here I am. Trying to learn how to golf but also keep the composure of a brand new member to the sport. It is not just about making contact with the ball. It is about dress, attitude, and the ability to hide smoking weed and pounding Bud Lights from elders. Golf is a party where you choose how fucked up you want to get. You hear people all the time tell you they need to do "X"(smoking, drinking, good luck charms, warming up) before they can succeed at "Y" (playing a good round, hitting a key shot, or just to enjoy themselves). I am just happy to be out there and even happier when someone else is paying for my round. Thanks Tom G.  Golf is a sport where if I don't take myself too seriously it can never hurt my psyche. Unlike rugby where your psyche can be altered when someone punches you in the face or your back line plays like a bunch of fags. So my hat's off to golf. It is fucking hard but losing doesn't leave you bruised and bloodied . And neither does winning. Unless you have a fat mouth. Until next time golf fans

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Vitamin P and Me

This is the first post where I am going to be completely serious about my situation. In all honesty it took me a while to be true with myself and my feelings but here it goes.....

A flier from a show in 2010
                 I  play in a band. Or I played in a band. The name of it is Vitamin P. But Vitamin P became more than a band when we parted ways the first time in 2003. Vitamin P became a name associated with me, Cam Villa. The reason we parted was  forthright, our guitar player, died in a car accident. Fell asleep at the wheel of his car after a long day. His name was Christian Bartesch and in my young mind he was the best guitar player I had ever seen. Very charismatic with an instrument in hand and a loyal friend. Ben Hazard was the another member of Vitamin P. A drummer, guitar player, songwriter and producer, Ben has been, and continues to be one of the biggest influences in my short musical career.  Ben created the idea of Vitamin P but he has always had other musical projects occurring over the years. Other members have come and go over the years but Ben and Christian in my mind have always been the original Vitamin P members.

Doey Rock opened for us
                                 Ben and I have had the opportunity to reconnect when his wife and him moved back to Sacramento in the fall of 2009 from NYC.  We instantly started working on music stuff again and found ourselves in a  unique situation where we had both grown as people which luckily transposed into creative music . One thing though was very evident, we had never had an argument, a disagreement, or any other growth confrontations. We had gotten along for so long that outside of music we were great friends . The last time we worked on music related projects I was 22 and Ben was 32. Now we are at it 10 years later . We play rap. Rap with the live and synthesized song of drums and guitar. We used to play in a full live band but changed it up and working with the resources we got .
         We have played a few shows this year at Harlow's, The Firedance, The Blue Lamp, and my Favorite Cheaters'. Great turnouts and good support. But now we are at a point where it is time to get serious and either make a CD or close it up. I am ready to make this CD or EP and see where it takes us. But my deepest fear has been realized in understanding that Ben does not feel the same way. He has other music and ideas in his mind and I don't think those coincide with my ideas. It looks like after all these years we are parting ways. I love the guy and i thought the only reason i was doing all this was for our satisfaction.

But I know now that music and the enjoyment of sound is something that must only bring me satisfaction first before it is released to the masses . So I am off to try this on my own.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Chris C had it easy?

Happy Chris Columbus Day. 
What did  Chris do on Mondays?
He probably worried where the next meal was coming from or if the next illness he contracted would be life threatening. It is easy to say that some of Chris' problems were a bit more serious than the ones we deal with today. Thanks for the day off. If I ever got a fucking day off . Fuck you Chris C. Everyone knows you were Portuguese .

Friday, October 8, 2010

Imagine all the People...

Happy 70Th birthday John Lennon. I am not a huge Beatles fan but I am a fan of music that inspires a change in humanity. The Beatles shocked and awed the world in a time where War and Fear stood strong. The Beatles opened doors for people that had been beaten down by World Politics and the threat of a nuclear war.

So this weekend take a moment and imagine a world filled with only peace and love. A world that does not teeter in the balance over an interest and employment rates. A world where my helping hand does not choose a color or culture in order to lend assistance. Be good to yourself and make an effort to be good to your fellow beings .

Thursday, October 7, 2010

As the Seasons Change......

As the seasons change so does the outlook on our own lives. Summer brought carefree living and escape from the binding pressures of work.

Fall brings the reality of family and a change to the trees. Fall tells that life is not everlasting and it is constantly reinventing itself in order to survive the change. Nature is not for or against you. It just is.

When something does not fear or support us it tends to make us feel uneasy. But why? Is it because the pressure is put upon me for success in this specific situation?

Everyday I am trying to push myself to deal with the sense of being scared and uneasy about my future and surroundings. One day at a time.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

It's Lonely Out here for a G.

It's not easy being one who says what they mean and at the same time tries to stay out of confrontation . It is a street with no lights, no right of way, and no law.

But speaking your mind while attempting not to infuriate the masses is a road that only few have travelled. It is a tough existence to be proclaimed the "Shit Talker" of a group.

Are you adult enough to handle to consequences of your mouth and it's actions? I hope so. One must perceive that what they say may only be a recreation of their imagination. And that is a whole notion in itself.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Truth Be Told

The truth will set you free. If you truly love someone you will put your selfish notions aside for the the opportunity to better the situation. I have come to this conclusion in my life and have decided to offer the truth as both a sign of resistance and servitude to my loved ones.

Creation and hard work is a devotee to truth and tolerance. You must know the boundaries before you can break them. No one has ever hit a home run without swinging a bat. Be true to the chance or the possibility that you are a flawed human being and deserve the power of forgiveness.
With no God available you must allow yourself to be the righteous one .